Friday, April 27, 2007

Incredible God

It is so strange to me how incredible God is making things, I mean how He is making things in me. How the thought of being alone for more than a couple days would bum me out and how the most meaningful experiences with God were only through amazing worship (music) and prayer times or incredible miracles. Yet, in the last few months God has shown me himself in new places, like in solitary quiet moments and months even or through His word or through a book or a song...He just keeps showing up and every time I act surprised as if I didn't believe that God is in everything. It just proves to me ever still that God is fiercely trying to capture my whole heart and how wonderful it feels to be pursued by the Creator of the Universe, I mean can you handle that! I can't help but tear up because the swelling of love in my soul is about to burst. God loves me! He is in love with me! How could that be? I definitely don't deserve it, I have mistreated no one the way that I have mistreated my Savior. It's horrible. But that's what grace is, right? I feel like Paul, when he talks about what things he's had and what things he's lost, how he's known the heights of joy and has gone down to the depths of pain. Yet, despite all of his whole life, it is worth it all to know Christ and nothing can ever compare.

Another thing God is teaching me right now is how to be patient. Anyone who knows me would tell you patience is not something I know much about. However, I have learned that waiting is better and that it gets easier the longer you do it. Apart of that has to do with words, I used to be quick to share anything about myself with anyone and could easily open myself to people. Now I find myself waiting to think about what I really feel and to know what should be expressed and in what way. I have never before been so lost in my own thoughts as I have been lately.

I'm also discovering that I love writing, I love that I can share my thoughts here and that if for no other reason than that they are spoken into the world, whether heard or not, I got to speak.

The last thing I want to share is this amazing song that my great friend shared with me. The words capture exactly how I've felt these past few months.

The pathway is broken
And the signs are unclear
And I don't know the reason why You brought me here
But just because You love me the way that You do
I'm gonna walk through the valley
If You want me to

Cause I'm not who I was when I took my first step
And I'm clinging to the promise
You're not through with me yet
So if all of these trials bring me closer to You
Then I will go through the fire
If You want me to

It may not be the way I would have chosen
When You lead me through a world that's not my home
But You never said it would be easy
You only said I'll never go alone

So when the whole turns against me
And I'm all by myself
And I can't hear You answer my cries for help
I'll remember the sufferin' Your love put You through
And I will go through the valley
If You want me to

BY Ginny Owens


Sarah Anne Sumpolec said...

Beautiful lyrics!

Thanks for sharing that!

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.