Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Ever have a day where all the things you're thinking all of sudden appear before you. I have had the most random thoughts today and they have all confronted me in person. It's as if someone (I wonder who) is watching and saying "oh yeah, bring it on" because during these random thoughts I've also pondered the possibility of them, believing them to be too outrageous to actually happen.

God is so good, He knows how to show up in the right way at the right time. I am constantly baffled by His goodness towards me and how He is meeting and exceeding my needs right now!

I am glad to be in this season of getting to know my creator even more deeply and starving for more of Him at the same time. It's funny how that works, we have to seek Him to want more of Him...I used to think that God just magically created hunger within you, but really you find Him by seeking Him and then all of sudden He is fiercly pursuing you, like Pringles, once you pop you just can't stop. I just wish that daily distractions didn't pull me away from that place with Him or that somehow like Brother Lawrence I could learn to practice the presence of God within every part of my life, so that I never have to leave, or feel compelled to leave, the Holy of Holies. I can't wait for the day I get to worship God all the time, yet I also know that there is much to accomplish here and I hope to lead a more fruitful life before it is blown away like the dust that I am.

Today I sign the lease on my new apartment, I wish I could be more excited about it, but I still won't be able to settle in until I hear about this new job I applied for, because it might involve another move.

Oh well, if waiting on God means I have to be ready to go, than I can do it beacuse I know His plans for me are far beyond what I could imagine or see.

Toodles for now folks!

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