Monday, April 16, 2007

Metro Camping!

What a whirlwind this weekend action-packed and ofcourse the fun never stopped.

We went to the Art Museum, the Zoo, this interesting Wax Museum affectionately referred to as the "Old Whore" by the owner, downtown St. Charles and Caveman BBQ.

It was so great to hang with the small group, some old faces and some new ones too...I love it!

I started thinking after this weekend how really empty my life feels and I was trying to figure out how I can change that, and I know it's not really empty, I mean I work full-time, am a grad student full-time, play softball, go to church, go to a small group and then hanging out with the homechickens...but I want more!

So I've decided I'm going to get involved in some community events. The first one is the Kitchen Run, then I might do the Relay for Life with Evangel, and I think I might try to find a class or something too.

The weather is so wonderful today it makes me so happy, I need sunshine in my life...I want to be more of a doer, I'm done being a thinker for now!

If you want to see pics from the weekend go here:

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