Friday, April 20, 2007

What is reality?

I was reading the other day that reality is not bound by circumstance and/or feelings but by the truth of God.

What does that mean?

To a realist this sounded ridiculous, I am all about faith and believing what you do not see, but calling it reality is a bit of a stretch for me. So I was thinking what is my reality or how am I perceiving the world right now?

Reality right now in terms of circumstance and feelings is that I have to figure out how to motivate myself to care about two projects that have to be completed by next Wednesday; I have to find the strength and diligence to move into my new apartment while working on those projects; I also have to make time for two close friends who are moving far away before they are gone in the next two weeks; I have to prepare for a grueling Summer filled with four classes and a practicum; I have to wait and see if the job I have always wanted will actually come my way and decide if it is still what I really want, soon!

I feel sort of numb to everything because to feel anything right now is simply too much. Why is it that transition in my life has to be so completely dramatic? Oh and while figuring all this stuff out, I also need to try and keep my stress in check otherwise my body might completely shut down, like last semester, which is ironic because I worry about my stress creating additional stress...arghh!

However, I do know this...though I choose different semantics, I think, to describe this alternate "reality" I do believe it is the same...Because this is what God's truth says, he is for me and not against me, he has purpose for everything in my life, he is good and faithful, nothing can separate me from his love, and one day whether I am lucky enough to see why all this had to happen or not, I will be grateful it did; one day I will not be in school *Praise Jesus* and my friends that I am losing will not be truly gone!

God really does have me in His grip and I am grateful because that is my one glimmer of light in the tunnel of darkness right now! I wish I could see more of the plan he has, but learning to Trust my God, though frightfully painful, is proving to be worth it!

I wish I had read Ecclesiastes a couple months ago...but I'm glad I did should check it out, it just might change your life!

I suppose the big question of life is whose reality will you choose to see...the one that is one-dimensional and based on human eyesight or the one that is beyond dimensions altogether and has infinite bendable eyes...I think today I will choose the latter and see what happens!

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