Tuesday, July 17, 2012

This Up dOwn business can suck it!!

Hmm...where to begin!

Well job searching has proven to be the most exhausting experience that I was not prepared for. When I set out on this search (back in December) I was confident in finding a position, based on my experience and skills but on the confidence my friends, colleagues and supervisors had in me as well. Yet here I am well beyond traditional start dates and still no job.

Last week, a bright shining glimmer was dangled in front of me and today again I'm left with deep disappointment. I just feel at a total loss, unsure of anything, which is a scary place because I am not good at needing/asking for help and right now I need it in every sense.

The up portion of this rant is I have two interviews this week and one last week that went well. So all is not lost, only the place I wanted, which lets be honest, I usually want things that are no good for me.

I know I owe you a new "online dating" story, but this next one is a doosey and I need more time to write it...so soon, very soon!!

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