Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Hello Blog world I am giving this a whirl for the err...well fifth time. That's a little deflating...I really want to begin a journey and after reading a friends blog I decided it's time to really buckle down and get some writing done just to prove to myself that I have SOME discipline.

I was thinking earlier today how the timing of things often seems to be my "problem;" but then I thought actually it usually just reminds me that really I should be focusing on me. Not in a narcissistic way but in a becoming a better version of myself way. Instead of waiting around for the perfect life to show up, since we all know that's not real, taking a hold of what's in front of me and creating.

I am tired of feeling constantly in need of a restart button. Though I have no regrets and have loved every moment of life that has brought me here, I do want to change now and so begins a journey.

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