Sunday, May 30, 2010

Walking in Memphis...

So I know I've missed a couple days and believe me I can't wait to write about them because they have been truly eventful, but I'm leaving for Memphis today and cannot wait to be ten feet off Beale and just relaxing with some good friends!

So I'll see you soon cyberworld...

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Writing on the wall...

Do you ever have those moments of clarity when everything you see or do is pointing you in one direction? I feel like they happen all the time, it's simply a matter of whether I pay attention to them or not.

Conversations are a funny thing...they can tell you a lot about a person and sometimes they can reveal things in you that you were not even remotely aware of. I love these kinds of conversations...the hard part is being able and willing to do your share of the give and take to even get close to the possibility of that kind of conversation to take place.

The point is this...I am convinced that I am not living up to my own potential. Story of my life...but I am also convinced that I can change. I want to be a person of conviction that is not swayed so easily by outside forces. I want to be secure in who I am both mentally and physically.

I am a firm believer in the holistic nature of humans and that one area cannot function well without all functioning well. So I have decided to get to work on this old crap body of is in need of some serious change. I know it will be hard and I will want to give up everyday but I know that I cannot grow or change without this first step.

I'm pretty sure no one reads this but by chance you do any encouragement, advice or simply prayer is appreciated.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Hello Blog world I am giving this a whirl for the err...well fifth time. That's a little deflating...I really want to begin a journey and after reading a friends blog I decided it's time to really buckle down and get some writing done just to prove to myself that I have SOME discipline.

I was thinking earlier today how the timing of things often seems to be my "problem;" but then I thought actually it usually just reminds me that really I should be focusing on me. Not in a narcissistic way but in a becoming a better version of myself way. Instead of waiting around for the perfect life to show up, since we all know that's not real, taking a hold of what's in front of me and creating.

I am tired of feeling constantly in need of a restart button. Though I have no regrets and have loved every moment of life that has brought me here, I do want to change now and so begins a journey.