Thursday, September 25, 2008

A fresh start...

So it has been entirely too long (like over a year) since I have written here and I am feeling like I need a place to well place my thoughts. Life has become a bit overwhelming and the time has come to use writing as an escape again...I'm not really sure why I stop when I know it is so good for me...its like I'm not sure why I run from God when I need Him the most...even though I know that I need Him..weird.

Since my last post I have created many memories, cried with several friends, lost some friends to bigger cities, graduated with my Masters, and started my student affairs career path at Drury University as a Hall Director.

I have to took me by surprise how my body doesn't enjoy the college environment as much as I do...I finally had to admit to myself that even though I still may look young I am not young anymore.

I do love being around college students though...getting to walk through their college experience with them and just meet these incredible souls makes all the body aches worth it.

Other transitions have been a little difficult...I miss my soul mate friends...when I came to MO I had too many to keep up with regularly and now many of them are gone...not gone...we will always be connected...but just having those people who know you best close by is something I took for granted. It is fun finding new ones and the adventure of learning about someone new...but it has been harder than I realized it would makes that longing for what was feeling a little more blaring.

anyway...check back next year when I post again...JK...well maybe :)

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